Festival+Projects > Festival Voix d’Amériques > 2009 Edition > Schedule >

Saturday, February 7, 2009

5:00 pm

[“Band + Poetry” Happy Hours]

Lancement du site web Voix d’ici

With poets Mathieu Arsenault, Pierre Demers, Jean-Marc Desgent and Jean-Philippe Tremblay and musicians Pierre Dumont and Pierre St-Jak.

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

In French. Official launch of Voix d’Ici, a French-language website featuring the voices of Quebec poets.

8:30 pm

[Shows at 8:30 pm]

Poètes publics: Erlenmeyer

In French. Poètes publics is a brand new band, featuring the virtuoso and emerging talents of a dozen poets, performers and musicians. Risk, improv, thrills.

11:00 pm

[Night Shift]

Night Shift

Hosted by Michel Vézina

Guests poets: Robert Berrouët-Oriol and Shin’Uet Wang

Musicians: Philippe Brault and Guido Del Fabbro

Casa del Popolo, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

Open mic, bilingual.

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