Festival+Projects > Festival Voix d’Amériques > 2007 Edition >

Richard Desjardins, Guest of Honour

Richard Desjardins, “free-spirited bum”!

The question came to him one day: “Am I really a free spirit, or just a bum?” It took us a long time to answer — too long — but when we did, the response was immediate. Hundreds of thousands of people can no longer imagine a Quebec without this “free-spirited bum”! This year, the Festival Voix d’Amériques (FVA) has the enormous pleasure of celebrating a great artist, a man who not only touches our hearts but also inspires and keeps us on the right path.

After touring Quebec for two years with his Kanasuta Project, Richard Desjardins is back with a one-man show. Unbending and upright as ever, he will give two solo performances as part of the 6th FVA.

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