Friday, February 13, 2004

8:30 pm

Dérapages de langue

Show in French.

Hosted by
Alexis O’Hara

With writers & poets
Nicole Brossard, Suzanne Jacob, Tony Tremblay
Jocelyn Bérubé, Nadine Walsh
Joane Hétu, Fortner Anderson
(Fortner in French, well!)
and the singer
Urbain Desbois

Accompanied by musicians
Normand Guilbeault, Jean Derome, Némo Venba

La Sala Rossa, Montréal, Québec


The FVA continues its exploration of the twists and turns of language with a crew of transgressive risk-seekers and path-breakers. They all wear so many hats we don’t quite know how to describe them… except to say that whatever they do, they do very well!

With poets (but also novelists and essayists) Nicole BROSSARD and Suzanne JACOB; poet (and radio host) Tony TREMBLAY; storyteller (and musician) Jocelyn BÉRUBÉ; storyteller (and actor and puppeteer) Nadine WALSH; performer (and musician and vocalist) Joane HÉTU; and singer (but also songwriter, composer, musician, guest of honour, papa) Urbain DESBOIS. You see? Hard to describe. Again this year, we asked for an English volunteer to take a turn in French, and Fortner ANDERSON accepted the challenge.

Musical backdrop will be provided by Normand GUILBEAULT (double bass), Jean DEROME (saxophone) and Némo VENBA (percussion). On ne rigole pas!

11:00 pm

Fanfare Pourpour

Fanfare Pourpour en grande: 17 musiciens

La Sala Rossa, Montréal, Québec

Free admission

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